Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW) Car Rental

Detroit, MI 48242

Location Details

338 Lucas Dr, Detroit, MI 48242, US

+1 844-934-1087

Location Services

After Hours Return Return is available on this location which might require you follow a few additional steps. You'll see these instructions on your reservation email.


Drop & Go With convenient email receipts, just drop off your car and go (if your car has not been damaged during the rental).


Emerald Aisle Bypass the counter, choose any rental car on the Aisle and pay the reserved Midsize rate.


Arrival Directions

The National Car Rental shuttle is located by following the Ground Transportation signage to the lower level of the Airport Terminal to the Car Rental pick up area.

Please proceed to the National Car Rental counter. 
For Emerald Club Customers, the Emerald Club area will be the first stop. The Emerald Aisle is to the left and the Executive area to the right.

Please proceed to the area of the car class reserved to choose your vehicle.

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