San José, Plaza Víquez Alquiler de autos

Avenue 18th, BETWEEN 11TH AND 13TH STREET, San Jose, CR, 10104

Detalles de la oficina

Avenue 18th, BETWEEN 11TH AND 13TH STREET, San Jose 10104, CR

+506 2242 7901

Servicios de la oficina

Indicaciones para llegar

Diríjase a la sucursal de National Car Rental. Avance hasta el mostrador para obtener su contrato de alquiler.

Oficinas cercanas

Datos importantes y políticas

All additional drivers must meet all rental requirements.
Additional drivers must appear at the rental counter with the primary renter.
Additional drivers must sign the rental agreement.
An additional daily fee may apply for any Additional Drivers.

The additional driver can only be added to the contract at the pick up location.
Maximum of four additional drivers per contract.