Drivers must meet the location's minimum age requirements.
Renters must present a valid driver's license from country of origin or International drivers license.
All valid license types in Roman alphabet must be in renter's surname and first name (Greek driving licenses in EU format are accepted). Originals only are accepted. License must have been held for at least one full year and still be valid. International driving licenses are only valid if presented with a domestic driving license. Original Chinese driving license is accepted but only with the National China drivers license translation service. The renter must show an ID card or passport, a landline telephone number at home. French residents must show a proof of domicile (mobile phone bill accepted).
Renters must present a major credit card in the renter's name at the time of rental.
International drivers must provide a valid license from their country of residence. In addition to a drivers license, if the characters are not in English or Latin characters an International drivers permit is recommended. If the driver's license is in characters other than Latin, an International Permit is required or a Notarized English Translation is accepted.