How do I earn frequent flyer miles or hotel credits on a rental?

If you did not earn frequent flyer miles or hotel credits for rentals that you believe qualified; the most common reasons are:

  • The rental agreement had a Contract ID or a Discount Number attached that does not qualify forearning frequent flyer miles or hotel credits.
  • For example, a reservation made through a third party website may offer discounted rates or a packaged offer which disqualifies the rental for earning miles or credits.
  • The rental agreement had a Corporate Account Number attached that does not allow for earningfrequent flyer miles or hotel credits.
  • If you are an Emerald Club member and use a corporate account number that is not eligible forearning airline miles or hotel credits, we recommend you change your reward preference to earn Emerald Club Car Credits

If you did not receive points for a rental, please click the link below to request missing rental credits.

Request Missing Rental Credits Form

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